Back to School: Quarantine Edition

by Jenna Pastuszek

Labor Day has come and gone. The un-official end of the summer.

I love this time of year. There’s a crispness and a sense of determination in the air. Determination to make the most of the warm days, the lingering sunshine, and to take advantage of the societal mindset of “going back to school”.

 I wonder:

What are you curious to learn this fall?

What projects, ideas, noodles, curiosities are itching for your focus and attention?

What would it feel like to concentrate on spending the next few weeks creating something new?

Expanding your skill set?

Establishing a new routine?

You know, it’s never too late for a vision board (or a vision board update).


In this turbulent time, it’s wildly important for us to feel grounded, to get centered. Emotions are our fuel, especially when we can channel and repurpose them toward action.


Make your vision board so that you can visually see a representation of the things you want and why you want them. Identifying a compelling why is paramount to your ability to dedicate the time, attention, and energy needed for inviting in your vision. Create the habit of looking at it daily by prominently displaying it somewhere important so that you can easily reconnect to your intentions.


What might you notice by putting your visions in front of you?

What might seeing it inspire regarding your commitments, habits, and practices?

What might it feel like to take your power back and go after your dreams-however possible- for the rest of 2020?


It’s not just about the resources you have readily available. It’s about your resourcefulness.

How can you reframe your current reality to invite in possibility and wonder?

What small step can you take today to nudge something forward?


Let us know how we can help you get to where you want to go.