If You See Something, Say Something.

By Jenna Pastuszek

You must read Reach Out by Molly Beck. You must. 

And then you must read this blog post by Jen Waldman. 

Image for If You See Something, Say Something.png

And then you must begin reaching out to the people who matter to you- to the change makers  who’s work inspires you, to the people doing the things in the industry and the world that you  feel are important, to the ones pushing the boundaries on what is possible in theatre. 

The worst thing that will happen is that they won’t respond. 

The best thing that will happen is that you’ll get a response like this: 

“As you know, of course, in our biz of show, no one does anything alone; I’ve been very lucky to have worked with some pretty amazing people who have inspired and encouraged me, and that includes so many talented actors who really are responsible for making the work come alive. Without you, the performer, my work is just a pile of musical notes!” 


“We do our work in a vacuum sometimes as writers. We get to see our work when it's happening, while we are experiencing all the other nuances that go into putting up a show. So it's nice to get an email from a fellow artist -- when things are calm -- acknowledging your work.” 


“I appreciate you writing to share your support and camaraderie. The role of artist in this country is always important, but perhaps now more than ever.” 


“wow, thanks Jenna keep making your ruckus it matters.” 

If you can generously thank someone for having an impact on you as an artist, a creative  person, or a human being, why would you rob them of the opportunity to experience some joy  today?! 

Reach out.

Your voice matters.