Values and Audition Books
I recently read Brene Brown’s book, Dare to Lead, which was both a fantastic read and a life altering experience. She suggests a values finding exercise, where you identify the TWO values by which you live your life. The exercise is available (for free) here. I discovered that my two values are belonging and growth (with competence as a close runner up).
And then, because I love to relate everything back to theatre, I got to thinking about how to apply these values to ALL of the aspects of myself, including my audition book.
Wait, what? Hear me out.
In life, I thrive in environments in which I feel like I’m welcome and where I’m encouraged to try new things, or feel safe to fail, or feel comfortable to risk growing. I also strive to show up in everything I do in an effort to make others feel comfortable (aka like they belong) and to be the best versions of themselves that they can be (aka grow). SO, if I both crave these values and model them when I lead something, the repertoire I select to perform should also embody this message.
The stories I choose to tell with the repertoire I choose to lug around with me in my backpack should reflect my values.
I want to tell stories of people fighting to achieve something, learning to let go, expressing joy about the things that make them feel alive, discovering new possibilities, expressing themselves intellectually, desperately trying to connect with someone, etc. In the musical theatre (and pop/rock) cannon, I can find PLENTY of song options that both meet the stylistic requirements of my book AND serve my values. As I tell many of my clients, “You don’t have to sing anything you don’t like unless you’re being paid.”
Take a look at the rep you’re hauling around. What stories are you telling? Are the stories reflective of you and your values?
If not, consider booking a repertoire coaching with us!
We’d be happy to help align your values with your vocals (see what I did there?).