Build Your Own Book

We're curious…

When's the last time you picked a new song to learn for an audition or JUST FOR FUN?

Are you sending in the same self-tape over and over again?

Are you still singing your college audition songs?

Are you still singing the same song from your college showcase?

Do you know you need new rep because it sparks zero joy but you simply don't have the cash flow to pay a rep coach to find you new material right now?

Does the thought of “Where do I even start?" overwhelm you?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then we've got the workshop for you!

It's a BYOB: Build Your Own Book workshop!

What is it?

It's a workshop to get you to start thinking like a voice teacher! Learn how to spot what makes a song easy or tricky and identify what songs and stories highlight your special skills!

We'll help you answer questions like:

  • Where does this song sit in my voice?

  • What vowels and consonants will help me and/or hurt me?

  • What clues in the audition notice/breakdown tell me what they want to hear?

Using all of this information, we can then learn to rank songs on a difficulty scale, based on your current technique.

If it feels easy and expressively powerful for you to sing,it will make an impression in the audition space.

In this workshop, we teach you to:

  • Identify different categories for your book

  • Know What Your Voice Does Best and How to Showcase It

  • Hack the Breakdown

Maggie McNeil