Private Lesson Policies



Never had a remote voice lesson?! Here's how they work!

  • All you need is your computer or phone, a strong internet connection, and a place to sing.

  • We'll send you a Dropbox folder of warm up tracks to use.

  • We'll work material by using youtube karaoke tracks, singing with pre-recorded accompaniment, singing a cappella, etc.

  • You’ll receive a link to our Zoom room in your lesson confirmation email. In special cases, we can meet on Skype or Facetime.

Please check out our video on ​How to Make the Most of Your Online Voice Lesson​.


Innovative Voice Studio practices a 24-hour Cancellation Policy for scheduled lessons, and cancellations are only accepted via email.

All sessions cancelled within 24 hours of the lesson must be fully compensated before further lessons can be scheduled. Out of fairness to all students, please note that we can make no exceptions to this policy. This includes cancellations due to illness, travel issues, last-minute auditions, etc. Make ups (for pre-paid lessons) will be granted if a cancellation is provided with more than 24 hours’ notice.

Regarding tardiness -- if you are running late, please send a text message to notify your teacher. Please note that additional time cannot be added to lessons for tardiness due to scheduling constraints and studio costs.  If your teacher has not heard from you 15 minutes after the start of your lesson, it will be canceled.

When you communicate all booking, cancellations, and schedule changes via email, the entire studio can stay on the same page, and you take responsibility for the schedule of your training.

In the case of an emergency, please contact us as soon as possible. We may be able to offer you a credit for a future lesson on an occasional and a case by case basis.


Scheduling and cancellation communications for drop-in lessons are accepted via email or verbally at the end of your lesson with your teacher.  

If you’d like to schedule another lesson and haven’t spoken to your teacher at the end of your lesson, please email with some dates/times you would be available and CC your teacher ( or  

Drop-in lessons can be booked at most two weeks in advance. BADassery and Vocal Gym lessons can be booked at most a month in advance.  

Lessons are considered confirmed unless we receive an email cancellation from you with at least 24 hours notice.


Payment for drop-in lessons is accepted via the links in your confirmation and reminder emails.

Payment is expected before your lesson so that you and your teacher can focus on the work itself.  

Outstanding balances must be paid before future lessons can be scheduled.

Your understanding of these scheduling and payment policies is greatly appreciated.

Enforcement of these policies is not meant to be taken personally but are rather simply a part of advanced study in any quality voice studio.

Thank you again for respecting these policies.