Let's Get Physical - The Full Series


Get access to all four Let’s Get Physical workshops!

What’s included:

Strength Training for Singers

In this class, Stephen provides us with some do’s and don'ts for working out while keeping your singing instrument unstressed. 

Stephen Mark Lukas (NASM CPT, BCS) is a certified personal trainer, behavior change specialist, and nutrition coach who works with Broadway performers to increase strength and endurance while maintaining a free and uninhibited vocal apparatus. At the core of his work is a desire to educate performers on the basic principles of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics- allowing them to make strategic choices that provide a solid physical and mental framework for the relentless demands of their careers. As a performer, Stephen has appeared on Broadway, as a soloist with symphony orchestras, in national tours, on television, and in the nation's premiere regional theatres. www.stephenmarklukas.com Follow: @smlukas  

Yoga for Miles

Find a deep physical release, which will allow the breath to freely flow into easy sound production. Explore power poses to activate your inner Broadway belt. 

Miles Borrero is a NYC-based yoga teacher who has led sought-after retreats and trainings around the world since 2007. A tireless explorer, Miles has done a deep dive into many lineages: Bhakti, Forrest, Parayoga, Om Yoga, Iyengar, Ashtanga. Over the years, these influences have converged to create a unique hybrid style of teaching that is dynamic, creative, and soulful. The athletic physicality that first drew him to the mat has since inspired deeper inquiries in anatomy, as well as cranio-sacral therapy and osteopathy – techniques that delve into the equally magnificent subtle body. As a teacher, Miles is wonderfully skillful and intuitive. He understands technique from the depth of his own practice and is able to articulate it simply and clearly, making it readily accessible to his students. His subtle and powerful insights stay with you past the duration of his classes. And his chants will crack your heart wide open. His love of people is infectious and has translated into building a thriving community and creating inclusive spaces for all. As an anti-racist Latinx and LGBTQ+ trans activist, his hope is to leave the world a bit better than he found it.

Pelvic Floor and Pilates

Many singers have found their voices transformed when they were able to truly bring awareness and articulate their pelvic floor. Learn how in this game changing class with Jenny! 

Jenny Hoofnagle received her Mat Pilates Certification at Core Pilates NYC and she completed her Comprehensive Pilates Certification in 2018.

Jenny has developed a special interest in working with expectant mothers and new moms due to her driving passion to broaden women's own understanding, appreciation, and care for their bodies. Jenny is a Pre & Postnatal Corrective Exercise Specialist and a Pre & Postnatal Diastasis and Core Consultant through Fit for Birth. Jenny has found a major connection between improving her core strength, control and understanding of the entire inner core unit and improving her vocal production. 

Meditation Techniques and the Voice 

Explore the intersection of the mind and the voice. Tap into your “rest and digest” system which creates an open channel to learn, discover and breathe. 

Kei Tsuruharatani (he/they) is a native of Osaka, Japan. He is a dance artist, mindfulness meditation practitioner and certified instructor by  MNDFL with 300 hours training. His practice is rooted in Vipassana (insight) meditation within Theravada Buddhist tradition. He practices on and off silent retreats internationally. He is exploring to integrate mindfulness into performing arts for the healthier environment for students and professionals. His Broadway credits are Jagged Little Pill, The King and I, Miss Saigon, and he has performed at the Metropolitan Opera for six seasons where he had opportunities to work with Mark Morris, Peter Seller, Dough Varone and more. In the contemporary dance scene he also has performed with Eastman Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Tania Perez-Salas, Take Dance Co, Keigwin + Co., and Les Ballets Grandiva. His love for sharing the knowledge has led to teaching a semester at Abilene Christian University and dance studios in Japan.

Maggie McNeil