Lip Trills and Stationary Bikes

by Jenna Pastuszek

If you had told me before March 12th, 2020 that this would be the year where I learned to work out in my living room, I would’ve told you that you were out of your damn mind.


[insert global pandemic here].


Suddenly, I found myself without anywhere else to go but my one and a half bedroom Brooklyn apartment, and I had two options:

I could either stop moving.


I could learn to adapt.


Out of respect for my husband and the preservation of our marriage, I chose adapting. Thank you for all that you do for me, endorphins.


Even though I didn’t have the bike, I decided to experiment and download the Peloton app (FREE for your first 2-months) and assemble an assorted mishmash of equipment- two yoga blocks of different heights, a few free weights of different sizes, some different colored resistance bands, and got to work.


Since March 15th, I’ve completed 540 workouts on the Peloton app.

243 strength classes, 46 runs, 27 yoga sessions, etc.


Now, I don’t know that I would’ve stayed motivated were it not for the app keeping track for me. It shows me a calendar and highlights the days where I’ve done a workout. It tells me how many days in a row I’ve worked out and how many weeks streaks I have going (18!). Aside from feeling strong and sane (and still happily married), I can visually see my progress, and now I don’t want to stop.


…so what’s this have to do with singing?


Strength is built over time out of consistency.

The same can be said about vocal training and technique.


The clients we see more frequently, for shorter sessions, make more progress than the clients we see sporadically for longer lengths.


We know that tiny daily habits contribute to consistent vocal growth.

Five minutes of slides and scales every day will be more beneficial to you over the long run than a once-a-while skrelt sesh.


SO, we created The Daily Warm Up: A 28-day February Voice Challenge.


15 minutes a day, every day for the month of February.

By March 1st, you’ll have completed 300 minutes of singing.



Come join us at the vocal gym.

(We’ll even give you a calendar that you can print out and cross off to keep that streak going!)