Share Your Joy

by Jenna Pastuszek

You know what’s the best?


Watching people’s eyes light up when they get excited about something.

 Ask a kid to tell you what their favorite after school snack is or what their favorite present ever was, and you’ll know what I mean.


Adults light up too. My brother-in-law loves anime and Comicon conventions. Whenever anyone brings it up, I love to watch him transform before my eyes. His voice and posture perk up as he starts sharing the details. I don’t know very much about either world, but I do know that I get super excited just by hearing him get excited about it.


His passion is contagious.


Think about your song repertoire.

How much of your passion, your enthusiasm, your joy, and your excitement does it contain?


As I always say, “Don’t sing anything you hate unless you’re being paid.”

If you hate it, throw it away.


If you’re afraid of it or carry around some baggage with it, put it away on a shelf. Thank it for its time and talents, and replace it with something else. Commit to re-entering the industry with power over your material. Your songs and stories from yesteryear don’t define you anymore. You are a creative interpretive magician navigating a global pandemic and living in the present moment. Create the conditions in which you can share your passionate positivity and thrive!


If you looooooove to sing it, LET US KNOW, BABY!!!

Let that inner light shine bright- radiate your joy, spread that cheer, and allow us to be captivated and swept up in your passion. It won’t matter if I hate the song. Watching you love to sing it will help us love it. Sharing how you feel about it will help us understand and appreciate you and the commitment you bring to your storytelling and song.


There’s nothing better than watching someone love what they do.

Don’t rob us of that joy.

Share yours.

PS- if you want some help getting back on the joy-filled singing train, join us for our brand new 28-day voice challenge. We start February 1st!